What is a Coach & Why Work with One?

What is Coaching?

Are there changes that you’ve wanted to make but either haven’t known how or haven’t been successful in the past? Has a new health concern arisen that you want to pay particular attention to?

Coaching effectively motivates and supports healthy behavior change through a structured partnership between the client and coach. A coach is like a “personal trainer” except the focus will be on your whole self. The coach helps the client develop and realize their optimal health vision through inquiry, personal discovery, and accountability.

Why is Coaching Valuable?

This is a wonderful list of just some of the benefits of coaching, created by my friend and coach Hailey Rowe…

  • Allows you to work with someone unbiased to create a new story for yourself & overcome past habits or stories that have held you back

  • Coaching is an investment in creating a better life

  • A coach is someone who can help you see your blind spots

  • A coach holds a new identity for you even when you don’t see it for yourself

  • Having a coach is fun… you literally get to talk to someone about yourself, your dreams, and making them happen

  • A coach is like a no-sugar-coating friend who can help you know your next step

  • Progress and growth is key to happiness in life… coaching supports that

  • A coach helps you have sound judgment to make decisions about your future

  • A coach helps you learn how to believe in yourself and gives you the opportunity to bet on you

  • Coaching has a byproduct effect on your life… by learning how to follow through on one goal, you typically can repeat the process in other areas of your life… or you learn things or change things about yourself that positively impacts other life areas

  • A coach helps you change your belief system

  • What’s the value of not quitting?? A coach helps you stay the path

  • A coach helps you learn things about yourself and gain competence in new skills

  • Trying on your own is the most expensive way to learn because of all the time and self-motivation it will take to do everything from scratch

  • A coach teaches you to ask for what you want/need

  • A coach helps you form better habits that might add years to your life

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